Only in America could Ryan Holle serve a life sentence with no possibility of parole for loaning his car to a friend. Ryan, who had no prior record, was convicted…
Many low-risk detainees are held in jail during pretrial. When these defendants are held for longer than 24 hours, they are nearly 40 percent more likely to commit new crimes…
Ryan Ferguson's conviction has been vacated. Ryan was convicted of murdering Kent Heitholt a sports editor for the Columbia Daily Tribune and was sentenced to serve 40 years in prison. The…
Another instance of police brutality occurred when a police officer in Vista, California savagely beat a man with Down's Syndrome. 21-year old Antonio Martinez was walking to his family's bakery…
{youtube}IKlykfgMyEg{/youtube}Daryl Wein, former physician's assistant at Sierra Conservation Center, speaks on behalf of Ajay Dev during the 2012 Rally to Free Ajay Dev in Woodland, CA.
On May 6th, 2012 Barry Scheck of The Innocence Project wrote a letter to the American Statesman, an Austin Texas newspaper regarding prosecutorial misconduct. Groups affiliated with Innocence Projects studied…
On May 6th, 20120 Barry Scheck of The Innocence Project wrote a letter to the American Statesman, an Austin Texas newspaper regarding prosecutorial misconduct. Groups affiliated with Innocence Projects…
{youtube}2hAkM5taQGI{/youtube} July 13, 2011 - Mike Dello Stritto from CSB News reporting on a rally attended by hundreds of people in support of a convicted rapist, whom they say is…
{youtube}CPhbRmPfUlw{/youtube}July 13, 2011 - A reenactment done at a rally for Ajay Dev of the accusers testimony at the trial which resulted in his wrongful conviction.
{youtube}4mfEZK-oERA{/youtube}July 13, 2011 - Tom Grothe, "A crime has been committed and a man sits in jail. But the crime that was committed, is not the crime that that mans…