Ajay Dev Continues The Fight

In Third District’s Appellate decision regarding Ajay Dev’s case, the opinion was not based on correct facts.  In response, our appellate lawyer, Lauren Eskenazi, wrote a Petition for Review and…
AFA Receives Award

AFA Receives Award

Have you ever come across a case where people were awarded for supporting a convicted rapist who has been sentenced to 378 years? Of course not! But last night Advocates…
Vigil for Ajay Dev at Sacramento Appellate Court

Vigil for Ajay Dev at Sacramento Appellate Court

[caption id="attachment_348" align="alignright" width="250"]Supporters of Ajay Dev hold a vigil in front of the Appellate Court in Sacramento[/caption]Sacramento, CA - Friday, April 18th, About 300 people held a vigil in front of the California Third District Appellate Court in support of Ajay Dev where his appeal is being reviewed. Supporters believe Ajay was wrongfully convicted of rape. The alleged victim's medical records, doctor, and adoption social worker all revealed that there was no evidence of rape or other sexual assaults even though she claims the alleged rapes happened approximately every other day for a period of 5 years (over 550 rapes). Ajay was sentenced to 378 years.

Vanguard Analysis Part III: Commentary: Dev Appellate Brief Puts Forth Strong Evidence of Unfair Trial

Vanguard Analysis Part III: Commentary: Dev Appellate Brief Puts Forth Strong Evidence of Unfair Trial

Thursday, March 28 Davis, CA. The Davis Vanguard's Commentary on Ajay Dev's appeal:

"I was not always sold on the innocence of Ajay Dev.  It was the summer of 2009 when I received an email from Mr. Dev's sister-in-law about the case.  Mr. Dev had just been convicted, and he had not yet been sentenced to the stunning 378-year sentence.

Little did I realize that this would be a pivotal moment in my life, as I headed out to the Roseville home of the Devs and heard their story.  I didn't know what to think, I had not seen the case, had not heard the evidence, and I was in a position of having to take their word for it.

My eyes opened for the first time when Mr. Dev was sentenced to a 378-year term.  There are a lot of murderers who won't serve even a fraction of that time.

Vanguard Analysis Part II: Ajay Dev’s Appeal, Legal Arguments

Vanguard Analysis Part II: Ajay Dev’s Appeal, Legal Arguments

Tuesday, March 26 Davis, CA. The Davis Vanguard a news agency covering local issues in Yolo County & Davis has released the second in a series of three articles on Ajay Dev's Case and his appeal.

"[Ajay's] appeal attacks both the facts of the case as well as the legal rulings used by Yolo County Judge Timothy Fall that the defense claims denied Ajay Dev of his right to a fair trial.  This includes, most notably, the inclusion of the alleged victim's interpretation of a 50-minute pretext call that meandered between English and Nepali, the judge's failure to properly instruct the jury on the law, and the judge's refusal to allow potentially exculpatory evidence.

This is the second of a three-part series.  The first part, Sunday's article, covers the defense's account of the facts of the case, including critical areas that the defense says the court got wrong in the original 2009 trial.  This second part will cover the defense's legal arguments.  And the third part will analyze the case in full.