Grants Incentivize Police Departments

Over the past several months, protesters alleging police misconduct have pummeled  Durham, N.C. police headquarters with rocks. Lawyers at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice requested public records to try to find…

“Kids For Cash”

Democracy Now interviewed Jamie Quinn who caught up in Pennsylvania's corrupt "kids for cash" judicial system when he was 14 years old. We wrote about this story earlier but to…
Ajay’s Tragedy

Ajay’s Tragedy

[caption id="attachment_63" align="alignleft" width=""]Ajay and his son in June 2008[/caption]

Ajay Dev was born in Kathmandu Nepal. His father and mother were born and grew up in Southern Nepal and Northern India. They were farmers, living in mud houses with thatched roofs and no running water or electricity. His father was a gifted student and through his academic abilities was given scholarships to attend college.

What is Cash for Convictions?

What is Cash for Convictions?

Cash for Convictions is an extremely negative consequence of an act that was meant to help victims of crime, prevent future crimes, and help rehabilitate criminals.  Both federal and state…