Ajay’s Tragedy

Ajay’s Tragedy

[caption id="attachment_63" align="alignleft" width=""]Ajay and his son in June 2008[/caption]

Ajay Dev was born in Kathmandu Nepal. His father and mother were born and grew up in Southern Nepal and Northern India. They were farmers, living in mud houses with thatched roofs and no running water or electricity. His father was a gifted student and through his academic abilities was given scholarships to attend college.

August 11, 2009: Demonstration for Ajay Dev in front of Yolo County DA’s Office

On August 7, 2009 Ajay Dev, a man whom hundreds of supporters have come to believe is innocent was sentenced to 378 years, 4 months. Local newspapers commented on the fundamental unfairness of a 378 year sentence for a first time conviction. Four days later, Ajay's friends, coworkers and family felt compelled to gather in front of the Yolo County Superior Court and District Attorney's office to speak out against the wrongful conviction and show their support of Ajay, even though he had just been convicted of rape.