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Children In Solitary Confinement

Most psychologists agree that the use of solitary confinement constitutes torture. Unfortunately, there are still many states that don’t even …

Police Authoritarianism

In northwest Miami, a law student was pulled over when an officer heard him playing an anti-police song on his …

Hope For Legal Reform

President Obama thinks it may be time for sentencing reform. According to a top White House official, “It is on my …


The Crisis with Coroners and Medical Examiners

An investigation by ProPublica, Frontline and NPR shows that the United States’ 2,300 coroners and medical examiners often put innocent …

The Problem with Forensic Science

The popularity of television crime dramas like CSI and Law and Order lead us to believe that forensic science is …

Memory Expert Helps Explain Problems With Eye Witness Identification

75% of the cases that have been overturned by the Innocence Project through DNA were wrongful convictions because of eye …
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