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The Truth About Solitary Confinement

Even though solitary confinement has extensive physical and psychological negative effects on people, there are about 80,000 inmates held in solitary confinement in the U.S. The cost to house inmates in solitary is 3 times greater than housing them with the general population. It amounts to spending about $50,000 more per inmate to house them in this inhumane way. Some people have spent up to 40 years living in this torturous environment. Nick Gillespie discusses the issue of solitary confinement with Mother Jones' correspondent James Ridgeway.

Click here to listen to the interview: 


Freedom On June 29, 2012 After Enduring 17 Years Of Wrongful Conviction

LaMonte Armstrong suffered 17 years of injustice and finally won his freedom with the help of Duke Law School’s Wrongful Convictions Clinic (an Innocence Project). His conviction of murder was overturned when exculpatory evidence that had been withheld by the prosecutor was discovered.

To read more regarding Mr. Armstrong's visit the Huffington Post or WMFY News 2.

Prosecutors In Colorado Agree State Should Compensate Exonerated

Most people do not realize that people who have been wrongly convicted and exonerated do not receive any benefits or help from the state. People who have done their time and released from prison are given some sort of services to help them get back on their feet. However, those people released through the appellate process, by either finding their trial to be unfair or through a finding of innocence, are left to reestablish their life with no help at all. Also, compensation for a wrongful conviction is determined by the State and is different for each state.

Prosecutors in Colorado have finally agreed that compensation should be given to those exonerated. To read the article click here

162 Years Sentence for 1st Conviction Due to Stacking the Charges

A Florida man is the latest victim of what is called “stacking”. Stacking is the process that District Attorney’s use to leverage a case against someone. With mandatory minimum sentencing, which is a Federal requirement since legislation passed in the 1980, District Attornies have the power to sentence someone to multiple life times. Quartavious Davis was convicted of armed robbery and sentenced to 162 years even though it is his first conviction and no one was hurt.

Click here to read the full story

The Texas Exoneree Project

A group of exonerated inmates from Texas have banded together to help others like them re-enter society. They say there are programs in place to help parolees but there are no programs to aid those newly exonerated. Dallas has exonerated 28 inmates as of May 2011 and as of right now it is the only city that has this type of program available.

Click here for the full story.


When Innocent People Confess to Crimes They Do Not Commit

This article by David Greenwald of the Vanguard Court Watch of Yolo County explains why people might admit to a crime even though they are innocent. It goes into interrogation methods and how those conducting the interrogation are allowed to lie and produce false evidence—something that is not allowed in Great Britain. 

Click here to read the full article.  

The National Registry of Exonerations

Currently over 900 exonerations are listed on The National Registry of Exonerations website. It is a joint project between the University of Michigan Law School and the Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University School of Law. They have maintained an up to date list of all known exonerations in the United States since 1989. 
To visit The National Registry of Exonerations website click here.

Freed Through DNA, Inmate Dies Before He Can Win "Exoneration"

Even though DNA evidence won Larry Sims of Texas his freedom from prison, prosecutor's and the appeals court would not declare him innocent, barring him from compensation. He fell between the cracks in Texas, not being on parole and not being declared "innocent" Sims was not given any financial support and struggled daily for survival, dependent completely on family and friends to make ends meet. Sims died June 4 from heart and lung problems. To read the full article click here.